Highway to Hell...New Jersey Devils vs Carolina Hurricanes
Ah, New Jersey…the Garden State. I keep looking for this garden and I’ve yet to see it. Granted I’ve only been through New Jersey or in Newark, so I guess it’s not fair to call it a burned out shit hole. Jersey has 2 things going for it:
1. You can see New York from it.
2. The New Jersey Devils.
You can guess what we were there for. We stayed in Jersey City and the hotel was very nice. It was the Hyatt on the Hudson. We had a great view of the beautiful Hudson River. We did have a room near the corner though and we could see New York looking one way and Lady Liberty the other way.
The city that never sleeps. One of the views from our window.
Lady Liberty in the other view
I of course couldn't go see my beloved New Jersey Devils without signs! I made them at home and rolled them up inside of a wrapping paper tube so they wouldn't get crushed in my luggage.
For my former Thrasher, Niclas Havelid I had this sign. I'm not sure if he saw it or not, I couldn't tell. :( Johnny Oduya saw it though. The Swedish probably caught his eye. I loved being able to have a Thrashers sign in the Rock.
And, for my Marty I made this. He loved it! He totally did. I could absolutely tell...absolutely.
Me and Shauna at The Rock waiting for warm ups. Damn we are cute.
Marty smiling...probably about my sign.
Warming up
Lycka Till Niclas! I hope you do well with the Devils.
Captain Langenbruner
More Marty!
Marty doing his stretches. Looks like something I'd have in my basement to trap goalies.
Don't worry, Marty! I'm still here.
"Dear God, please let these lazy bastards get off of their ass and play as well in front of me as they did for Clemmer. Thank you. Amen. Please. I'm sorry about the sister in law thing."
Eric Staal stretching. Eric probably thinks I'm stalking him, I've seen him five times this season. You have no worries Eric, I'm stalking other things on this sheet of ice.
Awwwww, it's Shanny. All of the ladies love Shanny. Except Shauna who calls him Oldmanahan.
Marty doing his Smooth Criminal pose.
Warming up Weekes...to do what exactly?
You can NEVER have enough Clarkson
Let the game begin! The opening chords of AC/DC's "Hell's Bell" started up and we lost our mind.
Marty after the Star Spangled Banner

The Rock is a phenomenally beautiful brand new arena with state of the arts electronics and other features. Unfortunately their glass looks like someone threw up on it and the protective net looks like that stuff they make the bags out of that oranges are sold in. Not the easiest to shoot through.
Marty waiting for his crease to be cleaned.
Action. Not bad seats, not great for pics though.
NJ Devil!!!
Marty being fantastical.
Cam Ward. Wardo had a pretty good night, too.
A fight down in front of Marty.
The ref separating the two trouble makers.
Face off by Marty.
More discussions.
I don't know what Marty is looking at, but boy he doesn't like it. I had the same look on my face while riding the PATH through Newark.
Marty: Geez, do you think you guys could wake up and score some goals. I know I'm the greatest goalie that ever lived, but what more can I do.